Kneeland Airport West Camera, Kneeland (California) O19

Kneeland Airport Webcam in Northern California!
High-resolution image
Higher resolution

This image refreshes every minute during the daylight hours and every ten minutes during the dark. Clicking on the image toggles a Clear Day Reference image. Archive videos are here.


If it's a very clear day and if there isn't a marine layer you may be able to see the Pacific Ocean at the extreme right edge of this image. Kneeland Airport is about 15 miles from the Pacific Ocean at 2,737 feet elevation.

Weather forecast for the Kneeland Airport.

Sun and Moon information
Kneeland Airport south camera Kneeland Airport west camera Kneeland Airport north camera Camera directions image

South Camera

West Camera

North Camera

Camera Angles

Live Flight Tracking             Fortuna weather and forecast

Arcata Chamber of Commerce
Eureka Chamber of Commerce
Fortuna Chamber of Commerce
Explore the Redwoods


Thumbnails, archive videos, and Aviation Weather courtesy of

Contact person for this web site:  sunnyfortuna@gmail.commore cams